Worship at 10:00am Join us in the Sanctuary or on Zoom
Thank you for worshipping with us this morning. We’re glad you’re here! May you experience God’s love through the words you hear and sing, the meal you eat, and the fellowship of God’s people.
Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request, please give a note to the ushers or send an email to Pastor Lori.
Face Masks Are optional however, just a friendly reminder…please wear a mask in the building if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19/experiencing any kind of respiratory or flu-like symptoms. Masks are available on the table in the narthex in case you forget yours as home. Thank you!
Holy Communion All are welcome to share in Christ’s meal of forgiveness and grace. Children who do not yet commune are welcome to come forward for a blessing. (If you feel your child is ready to receive or have additional questions, please speak with Pastor Lori.) Please see additional notes about the Sacrament in the service portion of the bulletin.
Pew Cushions Are available on the pew in the back of the sanctuary.
Hearing Assistance Individual hearing devices are available at the back of the sanctuary. Please return the device at the end of worship so they can be sanitized.